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Peppermint Rose Water Mist
Article 1 Min Read

Peppermint Rose Water Mist

Lately the thermometer seems to be creeping up and up. Iced tea is being gulped down like water and summer tunes are in constant rotation. With things heating up, we often find ourselves looking for ways to refresh inside and out. Ideally, we’d like to spend most of our time lounging by the Russian River with some Hibiscus Iced Tea, but we reserve that for weekends. When we’re working hard during these long, hot summer days, we like to tone and refresh our skin with this Peppermint Rose Water Mist.

ingredients assembled

Witch hazel and rose petals are featured in this recipe, and both contain astringent properties which tone and tighten tissue. This is a great feeling for faces that have been exposed to a little too much heat! Roses are traditionally recognized for their ability to open up the heart and help us to feel love and tenderness. We’ve also included lavender essential oil, which is very relaxing, and peppermint to help to you to feel refreshed and a bit cooler under the summer sun.

This recipe is quite simple. You should be able to find all the ingredients at Whole Foods Market or your local health food store.

empty spray bottles

We suggest adding a label with a list of ingredients and the date. That way, you’ll remember what you used. Then you can enjoy a few sprays of this refreshing mist to the face after a long day in the garden, a day at the beach or any time you need to feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Make sure to keep your eyes closed when spraying, and be sure to wash your eyes out with fresh water if they accidentally get sprayed.

spraying animation

Now you have a bottle full of plant power for all the sunny days to come! If you’d like to add more plants to your home apothecary, be sure to check out all our recipes on the DIY section of the Plant Power Journal.

Traditional Medicinals Peppermint Rose Water Mist

Tone and refresh your skin with this Peppermint Rose Water Mist.

Serving Size: 1 2oz Bottle
recipe image

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