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Herbal Lactation Cookies
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Herbal Lactation Cookies

Hey there new momma, you’ve got a lot on your plate right now, and worrying about your breastmilk supply need not be one of them. By bringing herbs traditionally used to support breast milk supply into your foods and beverages, you can benefit from the wisdom passed down from generations of mothers before us.*

This Herbal Lactation Cookie recipe features nutritive ingredients like almond flour, rolled oats and dates, alongside fennel and anise – some of our favorite supportive galactagogue herbs. What’s a galactagogue? In herbalism, galactagogues are herbs that have been known to promote or increase the production of a mother’s milk supply.*

Good digestion is another factor in healthy lactation. Fennel and anise are delicious carminative seeds that also support digestion and provide relaxing properties to enhance the nursing experience for you and babe. Oats (Avena sativa) contain proteins, vitamins, minerals and trace elements that nourish the nerves, support the metabolism of fats, and uplift the spirit.*

For an added bonus, enjoy alongside a cup of Mother’s Milk tea, which has been widely used by breastfeeding moms for over four decades. The ingredients fennel seed, anise seed, fenugreek seed and blessed thistle herb are all galactagogues and have a long history of use to support breast milk production for nursing mothers.*

These cookies are great as is, but feel free to have fun decorating with edible flowers like these borage and violet petals or dust with a sprinkling of freeze-dried raspberries for a pop of color. Make a simple sugar icing like we have done here by mixing together powdered sugar with liquid of your choice like water, milk, or lemon juice until you’ve achieved your desired consistency. Brush the icing onto the cookies and leave to dry as-is or gently place edible flowers and toppings on the wet icing to act as a “glue.”

Traditional Medicinals Herbal Lactation Cookies

Treat yourself with these herbal lactation cookies for new moms.

Serving Size: Makes approx. 32 cookies, serving size 2-3 cookies
Total Time: 60 Minutes
recipe image

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