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An Herbalist Library: The Basics
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An Herbalist Library: The Basics

When you start on any new craft there are always go-to books. Beginner herbalists often find themselves curious about all the different ways to practice herbalism, or ways to just dabble. Whether you’re interested in growing medicinal herbs, creating herbal medicine or becoming an herbal practitioner, there’s a book for you! Here are some staples that you can find in our herbal library.

hands holding glass mug of tea


Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health by Rosemary Gladstar is one of our all-time favorite herbal books. And we’re not just saying that because she’s one of our co-founders! This book gives simple herbal recipes that can be made at home and support your health through all phases of life.

The Herbal Medicine Maker’s Handbook by James Green is one of the best books around for aspiring herbal medicine makers. Whether you’re making tinctures from your garden or creating herbal wines and vinegar in the kitchen, he’s got a recipe for you. This book is more in-depth than most, but he thoroughly explains all the jargon for newbie herbalists.

Homegrown Herbs by Tammi Hartung is for all those folks eager to get their hands dirty. Tammi has been growing medicinal herbs for decades and can guide any gardener through growing and using their medicinal bounty.

The Complete Herbs Sourcebook by clinical herbalist David Hoffmann is the perfect book for all those looking to become an herbal practitioner. He goes over different herbs for all the body systems and herbal formulas to support them. David is actually the herbalist behind some of our most popular herbal tea formulas!

Botany in a Day by Thomas J. Elpel is for those who take walks in local parks or wilderness preserves and are curious about all the plants that cross their path. If you’re a budding botanist, you’ll love this book. It will teach you how to quickly identify plant families by knowing certain patterns and traits.

There is a place for every plant lover in the field of herbalism. We hope these herbal essentials inspire and guide you on your own personal plant walk.

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